Category - Option A Design Considerations


How will the Teddington Hands junction be upgraded to address the real concerns about safety and queuing when turning into and out of Teddington?
Why is the legislation around the AONB (NNNPF) not given more prominence in the engagement brochure?
What Noise impact assessments have been done?
In Option A what will be the distance be between the new road East of the TH roundabout and the Teddington village playing fields?
If Option A, will the A435 have to be elevated and if so, by how much?
Will option B need to be as wide a road as option A?
In option B, what if anything happens to the section of the A435 between 7 bends and the TH roundabout. Will a weight limit/speed restriction be put in force?
If Option A, how will safe pedestrian access via the public right of way be provided from Teddington village to facilities at Teddington Hands roundabout?
If Option A, can a footpath and cycleway be created on the A435 between Teddington junction and the Teddington hands roundabout?
If Option A, how will the impact on residents of road closures and limited access during construction be managed/mitigated, given the limited alternative routes?
With Option A - where will traffic be diverted to, should there be an incident that closes A435 between TH roundabout and 7 bends roundabout?
If Option A, what is the projected increase in accidents on the A435?
Option A would result in the volume of traffic using the A435 south of Teddington Hands roundabout  increasing by over 15,000 vehicles per day; from 8.500 to c.24,000.  On average (as we don't have the peak time data, nor the split north/south), this equates to an extra 10 vehicles per minute in each direction  (or 16 in total), resulting in a vehicle every 4 seconds on average, it would be even worse at peak times. Do you agree that even with the proposed upgrade to the junction, this would effectively prevent access to and from Teddington village, or at the least make it extremely dangerous?
Considering that Option A would impact a greater number of residents due to its proximity and associated pollution, how can it be justified as a viable choice during a declared climate emergency by both GCC and TBC, especially given the urgent need to address the climate crisis?
How much more traffic will be on the small dualled part of A46 (if B is used) than on the A435 between Seven bends roundabout and Teddington Hands roundabout if A is used?
Why are traffic flows in the western section of the scheme lower than on the eastern section? Where is that additional traffic going?
What mitigation measures, all forms of pollution, diversions etc, will be implemented during the construction of both Options A and B?
If Option A, what is the projected increase in accidents on the A435?
If J9 is considered currently too dangerous and this is sited as 1 justification for the new road, why does Option A propose shifting that traffic to a road (A435) measured as 10 times as dangerous? (Table 3-3 and 3-4 in Scheme context and existing conditions)?
What mitigation measures, all forms of pollution, diversions etc, will be implemented during the construction of both Options A and B?
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Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group