Category - Traffic Analysis


Time saving is calculated from J10 to South of Evesham; so why does brochure say north of Evesham?
In option B, what if anything happens to the section of the A435 between 7 bends and the TH roundabout. Will a weight limit/speed restriction be put in force?
The traffic figures are not broken down into flows in either direction; can this be provided?
There are no traffic figures for 2041, nor is it clear what assumptions were made about travel patterns from the garden village; can these be provided?
Where is the traffic along the A46 travelling to and from?
What is the projected or modelled annual increase in emissions (CO₂, NO₂, etc.) during operation?
Why does the current proposal rely so heavily on outdated facts and figures?
What year’s data will be included in the next stage of option selection and shortlisting?
How are turning counts taken and what are the results for the current engagement?
How much more traffic will be on the small dualled part of A46 (if B is used) than on the A435 between Seven bends roundabout and Teddington Hands roundabout if A is used?
If Option A, what is the projected increase in accidents on the A435?
Option A would result in the volume of traffic using the A435 south of Teddington Hands roundabout  increasing by over 15,000 vehicles per day; from 8.500 to c.24,000.  On average (as we don't have the peak time data, nor the split north/south), this equates to an extra 10 vehicles per minute in each direction  (or 16 in total), resulting in a vehicle every 4 seconds on average, it would be even worse at peak times. Do you agree that even with the proposed upgrade to the junction, this would effectively prevent access to and from Teddington village, or at the least make it extremely dangerous?
Using Option 1, how much less (%) will projected traffic on the road decrease by? And is this traffic that will no longer come from M50/Tewkesbury town.
The figure only provides total vehicle figures, there is no breakdown of type of vehicle. Specifically, there are no HGV flows; can these been provided?
Why are traffic flows in the western section of the scheme lower than on the eastern section? Where is that additional traffic going?
Why are traffic flows in the western section of the scheme lower than on the eastern section? Where is that additional traffic going?
If J9 is considered currently too dangerous and this is sited as 1 justification for the new road, why does Option A propose shifting that traffic to a road (A435) measured as 10 times as dangerous? (Table 3-3 and 3-4 in Scheme context and existing conditions)?
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Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group