Considering that Option A would impact a greater number of residents due to its proximity and associated pollution, how can it be justified as a viable choice during a declared climate emergency by both GCC and TBC, especially given the urgent need to address the climate crisis?
The future option selection process will take account of the full range of environmental and technical assessments with respect to Option A and Option B. This will include more detailed assessments of local noise and air quality impacts and carbon emissions forecast to be generated by the options.
Current assessments (presented in the ‘Analysis of shortlisted options’ document) indicate that Option A would result in some noise impacts to properties along the A435 that would require mitigation. However, there are only slight differences between Option A and B in respect of air quality and carbon emissions. In terms of other environmental impacts, Option B is expected to impact a greater area of land and is assessed as having a greater impact visually on views from the Cotswolds National Landscape area than Option A and would also have a greater impact on the Tirle Brook flood zone which would require mitigation.
The FAQs provided further details about GCC response to the Climate Emergency under ‘Given that we are in a Climate Emergency, is the proposed new road necessary?’ and on GHG emissions under ‘Would the scheme increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?’ and additional information is available in the Public Engagement supporting information.