If Option A, what is the projected increase in accidents on the A435?
The impact of Option A allowing for forecast traffic increases and various safety measures proposed for the A435 section of Option A has not yet been assessed in detail. This will be addressed in the next stage of scheme development to inform option selection.
Option A would include safety improvements to the A435 which would reduce the risk of collisions and meet safety standards for a busy trunk road including:
– Bypassing the section past the Truck Stop and Teddington Hands Inn – which will reduce risk of collisions for right-turning vehicles in this area
– A revised layout associated with the proposed Seven Bends junction which would replace the current junction and high-speed bend that has been the location of several collisions
– A revised layout for the Teddington village access (Alstone Road) to provide protected turning facilities for vehicles which along with a reduced speed limit would improve safety of this junction
– General widening of the A435 and safer access arrangements for properties along the route, with improved signage and road-marking.
Future work would also consider provision for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, which could improve safety for these users along the A435.