Time saving is calculated from J10 to South of Evesham; so why does brochure say north of Evesham?
Time saving is calculated from J10 to South of Evesham; so why does brochure say north of Evesham?
The scheme aims to provide an overall journey time reduction for strategic journeys between the M5 and A46 north of Evesham (to ensure any local journey time savings around Ashchurch are not simply lost further up the A46). The time savings reported in the public engagement documents are currently calculated based on the journey times to the Football Club roundabout south of Evesham as there is a greater level of confidence in this measure.
The modelling does include the A46 extending north of Evesham in the Fully Modelled Area (which is shown in Figure 9-1 in the Analysis of shortlisted options document) and the economic appraisal is based on changes in journey times across the whole model area. For the various junctions around the Evesham Bypass, the modelling is based on the current road layout so therefore represents a conservative position. Even with these assumptions, the modelling indicates that most of the journey time savings are retained if measured from north of Evesham.
It is understood that National Highways and Worcestershire County Council (WCC) are investigating potential for improvements to the Evesham Bypass junctions which would address current congestion problems and also change future journey time projections both without and with the M5 J9 scheme, but currently there are no committed schemes. Some preliminary model analysis of the Evesham Bypass junctions has been undertaken as part of the M5 J9 technical work as this was requested by National Highways. At the next stage of scheme development, GCC will continue to work with National Highways and WCC to understand their future plans for the A46 in Worcestershire. Further work would also be undertaken to assess the need for improvements to the A46 that might be triggered by the M5 J9 scheme.