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What is the projected or modelled annual increase in emissions (CO₂, NO₂, etc.) during operation?

Assessments of noise and visual impacts are presented in Sections 11.3 and 11.6 of the Analysis of shortlisted options document respectively. A summary is provided below but please refer to this document for further details.


Environmental topic Summary of assessment
Noise and vibration Potential significant adverse and beneficial effects are predicted for all options. Considering nearby noise sensitive receptors, scheme-wide effects and the potential levels of mitigation required from construction noise, vibration and operational activities, Option 2B is identified as the option with the least significant adverse effects.

In terms of construction noise and vibration impacts, Option 2B is forecast to have the least significant adverse effects, followed by Options 2A and 3B, then Option 3A, Option 1B and Option 1A.

In terms of operational noise, the scheme is likely to be more beneficial than adverse for all options, due to a greater number of potential significant beneficial noise effects predicted compared to potential significant adverse.

Option 2B is forecast to have the least significant adverse effects followed by Option 3B, 2A, 3A and finally Options 1A and 1B. It may be possible to prevent or reduce adverse effects using noise barriers.

Landscape and visual All options have the potential to cause significant adverse landscape and visual effects. The ‘A’ options would have the least adverse effects, mostly because the ‘B’ options include additional highway routes parallel to the west side of the existing A435. The ‘B’ options cause the most significant as well as most long-lasting effects.

However, ‘A’ options would also require removal of hedgerows and trees along eastern side of the A435 as well as including an additional offline section east of Teddington Hands. The vegetation removal and presence of new highway in this location would have adverse visual effects. When compared to the ‘B’ options, this effect is likely to be less significant.

Option 3A is considered to have the least adverse effects with regards to landscape and visual effects.

Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group