Teddington and Alstone A46 Advisory Group

Are you worried about the possibility of changes to the A46?

In December 2017, our Parish Council arranged for Councillor Vernon Smith to speak at a public meeting about potential improvements to and expansion of the A46 locally. This was organised following concerns raised at the November Parish Council meeting about the potential impact on our villages.

The A46 Partnership, Midlands Connect along with Western Gateway are tasked with producing a strategy to deliver planned infrastructure improvements to the A46 between M5 Junction 9 and M6/M69 at Coventry.

As residents, we are very concerned about some of the proposals being talked about and how, if implemented, they could impact on our villages. We have set up a small working party to help our Parish Council monitor and keep abreast of all the various projects, initiatives, studies and strategies to do with the A46. Hopefully, by doing this and being well-informed, we can be more proactive and ready to contribute to public surveys and consultations.

“To prevent any expansion or realignment of the A46 which would have a detrimental effect on our villages and residents.”

Latest News

October 2024 Update

On related news, Ashchurch Parish Council produced a report on the progress of the planned Garden Communities that residents may find interesting. Report can be found on the Reports Tab.

7/10/2024 13.00 Public Consultation has been launched with details on GCCs website Have your say Gloucestershire engagement - M5 J9 A46

The documents can also be found on our site. We will also include our opinions once we have had a chance to review the documentation in full.

Newsletter #32 'The Consultation' Published 8/10/24 with all the latest and details of the Routes Consultation. Newsletter Tab

Cameron Thomas MP, has taken up our offer to get together to discuss all aspects of the changes to the A46. In the meantime, he has confirmed that has given GCC his support for their plans for the J9A bypass.
September 2024

FAQs and updated GCC M5 J9 A46 webpage available via Public Consultation on Route Options Tab

Gloucestershire County Council Press Release 27/9/2024
Have your say on potential route options for M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.

Gloucestershire County Council is running a public engagement exercise from Monday 7 October – Monday 2 December 2024 on potential route options for the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.

We should expect:
Route Corridor Options Questionnaire
Maps Ordinance and Aerial
Route Corridor Options Brochure.

Full details in our updated Newsletter. Newsletter Tab

TAAG submitted several questions to the September County Council Meeting, one of the answers contained the following interesting information. GCC are going to carry out a public engagement exercise from October 7th for 8 weeks, to share shortlisted route options (rumoured to be 3) and seek the views of stakeholders on them.

Full details can be found on the Reports TAB

TAAG NEWSLETTER #31 SEPTEMBER 2024. Published 19/9/24 can now be found under the Reports Newsletters Tab

August 2024

TAAG have written to our new MP, Cameron Thomas, briefing him on our role. As well as seeking a meeting with him to discuss further the potential changes to the A46.

Full update as to the outcome soon.
June 2024

A local resident submitted Freedom of Information request to GCC as to the costs to date and ongoing of the A46 changes. Large numbers are involved.

Reports Tab
May 2024

Latest Newsletter # 30 Published with details of the recent media and GCC Cabinet events included. Newsletter Tab Link

A46 M5 J9

TAAG interview as part of a report by BBC Political Reporter Edward Rowe as to the possible changes to the A46 M5 J9. Report

More money approved for planning changes to the A46 M5 J9 or 9A BBC Radio Gloucestershire report

GCC Cabinet Meeting Due 15/5/24 is due to request yet more money for development costs. An extract from the Agenda can be found on the reports page.

M5 Junction 9 and A46 Transport Scheme Timeline has also been updated, to the right, more uncertainty.

Update 15th May 2024

Cabinet approved the proposal without any questions or debate.

Cllr. Gray proposal can be viewed online item 6 Link
March 2024

GCC update on the potential changes to the A46 and M5 Junction 9.

“Spring 2024 update

Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) has been considering undertaking a non-statutory public consultation for the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme. We have been reviewing the shortlist of scheme options and undertaken additional analysis to inform decision making. This work is ongoing. A non-statutory public consultation is now unlikely to take place until after a general election, which is expected later this year.”
December 2023

Newsletter #29 Now available
November 2023

Laurence Robertson MP announcement on his website 1st November 2023

'Pleased to receive notification from the Roads Minister and the County Council that possible proposals to reduce J9 to a two-way junction are being dropped, and that the Minister is asking that options are to be considered to increase the capacity of the A46. Along with Cllr Vernon Smith, this is what I’ve been campaigning on for over a year and I held a debate in Parliament (9th May) on the issue. Already the A46 is congested and traffic will get worse as more development takes place. I’ll keep working on this with the County Council, National Highways and the government.' Link
November 2023

Laurence Robertson MP announcement on his website 1st November 2023

'Pleased to receive notification from the Roads Minister and the County Council that possible proposals to reduce J9 to a two-way junction are being dropped, and that the Minister is asking that options are to be considered to increase the capacity of the A46. Along with Cllr Vernon Smith, this is what I’ve been campaigning on for over a year and I held a debate in Parliament (9th May) on the issue. Already the A46 is congested and traffic will get worse as more development takes place. I’ll keep working on this with the County Council, National Highways and the government.' Link
August 2023

TAAG NEWSLETTER #28 August 2023 Published.

TAAG were recently contacted by Teddington & Alstone Parish Council (TAPC) to advise that they had been invited to provide feedback to the latest review of the strategic road network route by National Highways (NH). The overview report for the South Midlands has included our local stretch of the A46 (from J9 M5 up to Evesham) as one of their priority areas for further investigation.

TAAG compiled the report, which has been adopted by the Parish Council and has been submitted to National Highways.

Reports Tab
June 2023 Update

Extract from Laurence Robertson MP Latest Newsletter which appears very critical of the M5 junction 9 plans.

"Good afternoon,
Summer is back, and I hope that you are coping well with the heat! As always, I remain very busy in both the constituency and Westminster, and have highlighted several of the many issues I am pursuing below.

The A46 and Junction 9
Traffic congestion in this area has been increasing due to extra housing and business activity. We also now have the excellent garden centre, which will be supplemented by a retail outlet centre, right next to J9. And there was talk of developing a Garden Town in the area. So traffic is increasing and will continue to do so.

The County Council, working with National Highways, have been looking at the problem and came up with four proposals to ease the congestion.
Unfortunately, none of the options being proposed involved increasing the capacity of the A46. All of the options proposed by-passes, which would help with some of the traffic, but would not alleviate the congestion being caused by local traffic. And worse, the Grey Route option proposes to reduce J9 to a two-way junction.

I found the Grey Route proposal completely unacceptable, and I regret the lack of a proposal for increasing the capacity of the A46. So I have held many meetings with the County Council, National Highways and Ministers to discuss this issue. And recently I held my own debate in Parliament to discuss it, the full transcript of which can be found here.

It is unlikely that money will be available for this road scheme in the near future. But I am continuing to work on it to try to ensure that we have better proposals made which will reduce congestion caused by local traffic, as well as that traffic which is passing through.

When I originally supported the Garden Town idea I did so on the understanding that, first, the Council would ensure that it did not increase flood risk, and, secondly, that the A46 would be improved. The new Council in Tewkesbury is reconsidering the situation, but I stand by what I originally said."
May 2023

Written questions with answers have been provided for the GCC Council Meeting 24/5/23.

TAAG will review and post our feedback. Reports Tab.

TAAG Newsletter #27 Published. Newsletter TAB

Laurence Robertson MP – Westminster Hall debate on the changes to the A46
Laurence Robertson’s PA contacted TAAG to let us know that he had tabled a Westminster Hall debate on the changes to the A46. All parliamentary debates are recorded and transcripts provided, and we have provided a link to the video clip and transcript on the Reports Tab. Further details to follow in our upcoming Newsletter.

The recent election results are in, Cllr. Mel Gore was reelected along with a new councillor, Chris Coleman, an independent. TAAG have already asked him for a meeting, to which he has agreed to come and hear Taag's concerns.

Correction to Newsletter #26 – ‘Bridge to Nowhere’

We mentioned that the legal bill on Tewkesbury Borough Council (TBC) against Ashchurch Parish Council was, £200K, apologies.

It is estimated that the final cost to the Council will be £166,000. Interestingly, the design and specification work undertaken by Atkins and the costs incurred within the project and attributed to this work, total £702,904. Information obtained from TBC via 'Freedom of Information' request.
February 2023

TAAG Newsletter #26 published and can be found on the Newsletter Tab

Laurence Robertson, MP

You will recall from our December newsletter that Laurence had invited our feedback on the M5 J9 bypass. Specifically: “Can an environmentally friendly way be found to by-pass J9 for those who do not need to access that junction; and secondly, how can the capacity of the A46 and J9 be increased?”

Tricky question, but TAAG's response Reports Tab

Questions to GCC Council – Meeting 15th February 2023

Questions submitted on behalf of Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group (TAAG) in respect of the M5 J9 & A46 Transport Scheme. Cllr. David Gray has responded, but unfortunately we didn't get any useful answers to our questions. However, it seems we have learnt that the scheme was not put out for tender and that Atkins are their 'in-house' consultants on a multi-year contract.

Full details Reports Tab
January 2023

Traffic Monitoring on the A435

In our December newsletter, we referred to the traffic monitoring that had taken place at the end of September. We have now seen the detailed outputs. These are or analysis can be found on the Reports Tab

GCC Decarbonisation Survey

We have been made aware of a survey being conducted by Gloucestershire County Council to take feedback on reducing transport emissions. This is running to 28th February and can be accessed using the following link.

The more that respond the better, and hopefully the council will take greater notice of the issues that threaten us and future generation.
GCC Survey
December 2022

Newsletter #25 Published Link
November 2022

Teddington and Alstone Villages’ key concerns as to the proposed changes to the route of the A46 to the M5 can now be found on the Reports Tab.

Over the years, TAAG have submitted questions to Gloucestershire County Council's Council Meetings. Some questions are answered in full, others partially and some not at all. We will continue to submit probing questions of council and when necessary submit supplementary questions online or in person at Shire Hall.

We will now be highlighting the relevant questions here on our website for your information.

This month, Councillor Cody submitted a range of question in relation to the A46.
Her questions and the answers received can be found on the Reports Tab
Including details as to the staggering costs to date.

September 2022 GCC Council Meeting included questions from TAAG and the answers received. Details on the Reports Tab.
October 2022

Added new page, Useful Links to Legislation, Planning Inspectorate etc. Under the Consultation Tab

Useful Links to Legislation etc.

September 2022 Update

A46 Consultation Postponed

Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) have now officially communicated about the postponement of the anticipated Public Consultation which was due to start this month. We have provided their email below for your information, which states that the consultation is now unlikely to happen until late 2023 at the earliest.

They have also updated their dedicated website, which reflects this change but provides no further clarification of the overall scheme programme.

If we find out any further information, we will include it in our next newsletter along with our response to the delay.

Email received by TAAG 24/9/2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

You may be aware that Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) was planning to undertake a non-statutory public consultation for the M5 Junction 9 & A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme this autumn.

As part of good practice in scheme development external advice was sought, which highlighted that further work should be undertaken before going out to public consultation. Following this external advice, we have now decided to undertake this additional work, to further review and shortlist scheme options. This work will be carried out with National Highways’ support. The non-statutory public consultation will now take place once the additional analysis has been completed, which could take 9 months, with public consultation taking place in late 2023 at the earliest (dates tbc).

We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of the scheme including confirmation of the revised public consultation dates on our dedicated scheme webpage: https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/j9

You can also email the project team at M5Junction9@atkinsglobal.com with any queries you may have.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda Lawson-Smith
Transport Planning Team Manager
Gloucestershire County Council
August 2023

Published Teddington and Alstone A46 Advisory Group Newsletter #24 which includes details of the recent Public Meeting and the next steps in the process.

Minutes from this meeting have been shared with attendees and can now be viewed by everyone along with TAAG's follow-up letter to David Gray Reports Tab

Newsletter is available on the Newsletters Tab

Reminder – Under the External Links Tab you will find a full list of those involved in the planning process.
July 2022

Public Meeting held Tuesday 19th July 2022

Thank you to everyone who braved the exceptionally hot weather to attend the public meeting on Tuesday 19th. It was a really good turnout and thanks to the quality of the questions raised and the subsequent debates, clearly demonstrated to our Councillors the strength of feeling in the villages. We hope you thought it was a worthwhile event.

We are aware that not everyone had a chance to speak in the limited time we had. So, as agreed at the end of the meeting, we are asking for any remaining questions or concerns you may have, to be raised using either the contact tab or speaking to any member of the TAAG Team.

You may recall that David Gray asked us to send him a summary of our concerns. We will of course do this when we submit our follow-up questions. It is worth mentioning though, that we have sent summary reports outlining our concerns to all of the key stakeholders previously, so all parties know what we think.

Please can you let us have any further thoughts by close of play next Tuesday 26th July.

Contact Us

July 2022

M5 Junction 9 A46 Transport Scheme GG 142
Walking, Cycling and Horse Riding Assessment

As part of the planning process, the designers have to consult on walking, cycling and horse riding facilities in the areas of the proposed build.

TAAG have competed it review of the facilities in our area and submitted feedback.

The two documents can be found on the Public Consultation Prior to Route Options page.

June 2022

Published Teddington and Alstone A46 Advisory Group Newsletter #23 which includes an invitation to a Public Meeting.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th July in Teddington Village Hall, 6pm to 7pm. This precedes but is unrelated to the separate quarterly Parish Council meeting afterwards.

Newsletter is available Newsletters Tab

Correction to Newsletter
Vernon Smith is our Gloucestershire County Councillor
May 2022

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey we sent out. We received 81 responses with the vast majority indicating they were 'concerned' or 'very concerned' with many of the issues raised. There is also support for a public meeting (59 Yes, 21 Don't Know and 1 No). We will check with the Teddington & Alstone Parish Council for their views and then look at how we can organise a meeting as soon as practicably possible. Further details to be shared in due course.
April 2022

In our latest Newsletter #22, which you should have received last week, we mentioned that we intended to hold a survey to collect residents’ feedback on the assumption that the A435 will be used as part of the new A46 Ashchurch bypass.

The survey has now been set-up and can be found below. Please do take the time to complete it as this will enable us to know the level and strength of opinion of residents. We will then consider inviting local councillors and other key people to a public meeting to share their views and hear your concerns.

The deadline for completing the survey is the Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 2022 at 12:00 Midday.

Survey Now Closed - many thanks for all the excellent feedback

Thank you.

TAAG have recently made 'Freedom of Information' Requests of Gloucestershire County Council, Western Gateway and National Highways. Details of which and responses, received to date, can be found under the Reports Tab.

Newsletter # 22 Published 13th April 2022. Newsletters Tab

March 2022

M5 Junction 9 and A46 Transport Scheme Timeline
Revised timeframe confirmed by Cllr. David Gray at the GCC County Council Meeting, 23/3/2022 Details to the Right
December 2021

Published end of year Newsletter #21
Copy can be found under the Newsletter and Subscribe tab
November 2021

On Monday 29th November, Tewkesbury Town Council adopted a report submitted by Cllr. Vernon Smith. This was based on the feedback received from the Tewkesbury 2030 Event held on Saturday 18th September 2021 at Watson Hall. When many visitors supported his A46 Junction 10 route, as well as disapproving of any use of the A435 as part of said route. Ideally, any new route would be to the west of the Teddington Hands Roundabout and joining the exiting A46.

The full report can be found Report Link

M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme -
On Wednesday 8 December 2021, GCC will be launching their statutory public consultation for their proposed M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme. The consultation will run until Tuesday 15 February 2022.

The GCC online feedback survey will be found
GCC J10 Feedback Survey

National Highways are developing their route strategies to inform their 'Roads Infrastructure Strategy' (RIS3), we are currently in RIS2. TAAG has provided its views, particularly on the possibility of realigning the A46 to J7 or J8 of M5.

TAAG's submission can be found Report Link

New Tewkesbury Garden Town Concept Plan
The 'Evolved Tewkesbury Concept Plan' has recently been presented to TBC Executive committee. A copy of their latest public document “Evolution of the Concept Plan” This includes the overall plan drawing we shared in our August newsletter.
Report Link

October 2021

TAAG have just become aware that Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) have once again postponed the public consultation on the M5 J9 & A46 Ashchurch Transport Scheme route options which was due to happen in the Summer, until 2022. See their dedicated website;

GCC A46 M5 Webpage

You will see that they have removed the previous timeline, stating “a more detailed timeline for the next steps of scheme development and construction will be provided when possible.​”

TAAG have of course asked GCC/Atkins for the reasons for this delay and received the following response, “This is because we are working through the technical work and programme for the scheme with National Highways (previously Highways England).”

We will try to find out more information about the reasons, the new timeline and what this means for the future of the scheme. Any further clarification we get, we will of course share with you in the next newsletter.

Meanwhile, thank you to everybody who has responded to our request for feedback following Cllr. Vernon Smith's Tewkesbury 2030 Exhibition. We are currently analysing the feedback and will report back in the next newsletter.”
As always, if you have any concerns as to the future of the A46, please do not hesitate to contact us via the 'contacts' page on the website.
September 2021

Newsletter #20 added to the Reports Newsletters Subscribe tab.

Added new menu item to website, Consultation that includes:
Background to Planning
Public Consultation on Route Options
Preferred Route Announcement
Submit Outline Business Case (OBC) to DfT
Public consultation on preferred route
Submit planning application
Submit Final Business Case (FBC) to DfT
Glossary – A guide to common planning terms and acronyms.

Tewkesbury 2030 Exhibition - Saturday 18th September

Many thanks to those who attended the event and visited us on our stand. Lots of very interesting conversations and worries from many as to what will happen to the A46 and possibly to the A38 to the west of the M5.

Meanwhile, thank you to everybody who has responded to our request for feedback following Cllr. Vernon Smith's Tewkesbury 2030 Exhibition. We are currently analysing the feedback and will report back in the next newsletter.

Vernon Smith's Business Case A46 M5 J 10

Business Case

TAAG Presentation


Keep watching our website for the latest information, and if you have not already signed up for our newsletter, please do.

Two Documents added to the reports tab.
1. TAAG have now added details as to a proposed land sale to the west of Teddington and Alstone, that could well result in a lot more houses being built and ultimately even more traffic.

2. A flood report from 2008 detailing all the issues in and around Tewkesbury that could have a bearing on any road building in the area.

August 2021

TAAG NEWSLETTER #19 August 2021 Published

TAAG Commissioned New Report from Gerald Kells (Campaign & Policy Advisor for Transport).

All Added to Reports and Newsletters Tab
July 2021


UK Government Decarbonisation Plan

TAAG Communication with the A46 Partnership

Added to Reports and Newsletters Tab
June 2021

Tewkesbury Garden Town Progress Report 2021 added to reports tab.

CPRE report - Challenging the road-building consensus and learning from previous road schemes for a better future. Added to reports tab.

CPRE recently submitted a report to Midlands Connect in response to a request for feedback on their ongoing transport strategy. Added to reports tab.

May 2021


Tewkesbury East Local Elections.

Detailing responses, or lack of, to the questions posed by TAAG to their views on the changes to the A46.

Added Newsletters Reports Tab.
April 2021

Newsletter #17

It’s only a few weeks since TAAG's last newsletter but, as you may have seen, the recent mail drop from Cllr Vernon Smith included his thoughts on the M5/J9 A46 Business Case. As this provides some details on a potential route, it might be helpful to summarise our interpretation and how this aligns with our position.

Full Details Located on the Newsletters Reports Tab.

Stop Press 23/04/21
In the interests of maintaining political neutrality, we have contacted each of the other three candidates standing in the local parish election on May 6th to ask for their views on the new bypass.

Email sent 27/3/21 and chased 22/4/21. To date, we have not heard from Chris Coleman (Liberal Democrat) or Zoe Darlington (Labour).

We received the following general transport comment on behalf of Jan Millett (Green Party):

“The Green position is to improve travel and public transport opportunities whilst maintaining existing networks for all users which we feel should be prioritised over any new roads. We follow Transport Action Network very closely too and tend to agree with their position.”

March 2021

Newsletter #16

While there has been little news in the last three months, there are a few matters to update you on. TAAG also thought it would be useful to provide a summary on where we currently are.

Located on the Newsletters Reports Tab.
February 2021

Western Gateway have approved and published the final version of their Strategic Transport Plan.
Located on the Newsletters Reports Tab.
December 2020

TAAG Newsletter #15 December 2020, a 'comprehensive update' published and is available on the Newsletters and Reports Tab.

Transport Action Network have just launched another Legal Action against the use of the “National Policy Statement for National Networks”, adopted in 2014 and still in use. Details can be found on the External Links Campaign Bodies Tab.

Western Gateway Published the final draft of their Strategic Transport Plan, it can be found on the Newsletters Reports Tab. The Document is under review by TAAG and feedback will be provided soon.

TAAG have just received this communication from Gloucestershire County Council via our Parish Council. The public consultation on the route options we were expecting to happen early next year, has been postponed until Summer 2021.

This is really frustrating, although we suspected it could happen.

We had planned to get a newsletter out before Christmas which we will still do. We'll include any clarification or additional information we can glean about the reasons for this delay.


"In January 2020, Gloucestershire County Council applied to the Department for Transport’s Large Local Majors fund to finance the proposed M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme. Since then, we have been moving forward with our business case development work: a key element of this process is the non-statutory route options consultation that was scheduled for January 2021.

Both the M5 and the A46 through Ashchurch are on the national Strategic Road Network and are managed by Highways England, so we need to work closely with Highways England with any plans that we have for these roads. However, Highways England have indicated that they need more time to consider the route option proposals in detail before we go out to public consultation.

Unfortunately, the earliest that Highways England will be able to give us their views is in the new year and with the local elections in May and the corresponding pre-election period which begins in March, it will not now be possible to hold the consultation, planned for January, before summer next year.

The county council recognises the importance of the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme to the county’s future development and prosperity and we will continue to provide updates on the progression of this scheme. Please visit www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/J9 for the latest information."
November 2020

National Infrastructure Strategy Presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer by Command of Her Majesty 25th November 2020. Can be found on the Newsletters Reports Tab.

Midlands Connect's 20-year improvement plan for the A46 Published and can be found on the Newsletters Reports Tab.

Do you have any photos of the red kites seen flying over our villages this year? TAAG have secured the help of the Gloucestershire Raptor Monitoring Group (GRMG) to try to find evidence of the kites breeding in this area. Although they are not endangered, their nests are protected and if we can find evidence, we may be able to use that evidence to challenge any proposed route. The GRMG have asked us to provide any photographs we have, particularly from the Summer months as that is when juveniles would be seen flying.

Could you please send any photographs you may have and are happy to share with GRMG to jan.catbells@gmail.com with a date and location (Grid reference if possible) of when and where the photograph was taken.
Thank you.
October 2020

Gloucestershire County Council has recently published their design options for the M5 J10 Improvement Scheme for public consultation. Full details can be found on the Newsletters Reports Subscribe Tab

The consultation closes on 25 November 2020.

Added details of the planning process that the M5 J9 and A46 changes must follow to the Planners section of the External Links Tab.

Following our virtual meeting with Cllr. Mel Gore, she has offered to organise a meeting (including the Parish Council) with the Tewkesbury Garden Town Team for an update on the Masterplan. TAAG will also want to discuss with them, their views on the nature and route of the new road."

Letters and copy of the TAAG Teddington & Alstone Villages Joint Submission sent to the following seeking support in our campaign to ‘To prevent any expansion or realignment of the A46 which would have a detrimental effect on our villages and residents’.

Laurence Robertson MP
Cllr. Vernon Smith
Cllr. Nigel Moor
Cllr. Cate Cody
Cllr. Mel Gore
Cllr. Jim Mason
Cllr. John Cordell
Cllr Patrick Molyneux
John Mills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Cotswolds)
August 2020


Newsletter #14 August 2020 Teddington & Alstone Villages Submission to VS and GCC

Teddington & Alstone Villages - Submission To GCC Highways
M5 Junction 9 & A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme Proposal Final 26/08/2020

Newsletter #13 August 2020 - Newsletter from the Joint Working Party of members of TAAG and the Parish Council GCC on the Highways M5 Junction 9 & A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme Proposal

Newsletter #12 August 2020 – TAAG Future Strategy Survey Results Published

Details and Links are on the Newsletters and Reports Tab.
July 2020

Latest News from Gloucestershire Highways added to the July 2020 section.
Changes will and are happening!

Added TAAG Feedback to Western Gateway on their Draft Strategic Transport Plan.
Added Transport Action Network's Feedback on Western Gateway Strategic Transport Plan.

Published Newsletter #11 and Newsletter Update

Details and Links are on the Newsletters and Reports Tab.
June 2020
Western Gateway published their Draft Strategic Transport Plan 2020-2025. Interesting to note that they have included reference to changes they may have to make based on the current pandemic and the potential changes in demand. WG are currently seeking feedback from stakeholders, businesses, residents, and communities on the draft Plan.

Climate Change Committee submitted their 2020 Report to Parliament.

Added to Newsletters Reports Tab.
May 2020
Added Newsletter #10 Interim Update to Newsletters and Reports Tab
Added details to External Links Section of 'Transport Action Network'. They are seeking to take the Government to court over the “largest ever” roads programme. The link to crowdfunding to support this action is also included.
Transport ActionNetwork's 'Pre Action Protocol Letter For Judicial Review' has been added to the Newsletters & Reports Tab.
Added House of Commons Briefing Paper on RIS2 to Newsletters & Reports Tab
April 2020
Several meeting have been cancelled with reports/publications also being delayed. All sources are still being reviewed on a regular basis for updates.
March 2020
Newsletter #9 Spring Budget & RIS2 Implications added to Newsletters and Reports Tab
Added Highways England Road Investment Strategy 2 2020-2025 to Reports Tab
Added March 2020 Budget in Reference to the A46 to Reports Tab
Newsletter #8 Local Transport Plan added to Newsletters and Reports Tab
February 2020
Updated Western Gateway link to dedicated website.
Added Midland Connect Alternative Futures Study January 2020 to Reports Tab.
Newsletter #7 Published and can be found on the Newsletters and Reports Tab.
TAAG has updated our website to industry standards to provide a secure Internet, even though we do not handle sensitive information via our site. When visiting our site you may notice that the beginning of the web address has changed from http to https, thereby encrypting any communication between your computer/mobile and our site.
Cllr Vernon Smith report to Teddington and Alstone Parish Council added to reports section.
January 2020
Added GCC Local Transport Plan and consultation to reports section.
Two independent documents added to reports section as to how Tewkesbury performs in terms of climate change.
A46 Renewable Energy Innovation 'revised date letter' added to reports section.
November 2019
Formal Go-ahead to Western Gateway given Link
TAAG responded to Tewkesbury Borough Plan Pre-Submission Consultation, it can be found on the Newsletters and Reports page.
October 2019
The independent report produced by Gerald Kells is now finished along with the TAAG summary and is available on our reports page.
Newsletter #6 Published and can be found on the Newsletters and Reports Tab tab
August 2019
Interim Update added detailing the brief for commissioning Gerald Kells to produce a report representing a robust independent summary of arguments and challenges from the specific perspective of Teddington & Alstone
Added external link to Landscapes for Life AONB
July 2019
Western Gateway published brief details as to the changes proposed for M5 J9 to the Teddington Hands roundabout, along with estimated costs, details can be found on their website Western Gateway
Newsletter #5 added to the Newsletters and Reports page.
June 2019
Report from Midlands Connect in reference to funding added to the Newsletters and Reports page.
Added external link to Western Gateway.
Atkins report added to the Newsletters and Reports page.
February 2019
TAAG members met with representatives of Midland Connect to discuss the possible implications for us as to any changes in Gloucestershire, limited information available but details are available in Newsletter #4.
Members of our group met with representatives of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (Gloucestershire Branch). We provided detailed feedback on our concerns and they will look to support us in anyway they can. Further details to follow.
January 2019
The Teddington and Alstone A46 Advisory Group met with Laurence Robertson, Member of Parliament for Tewkesbury. The group expressed our concerns as to the possible redevelopment of the A46 and the possible consequences on our villages. Discussions proved productive, Mr Robertson fully understood the concerns and has promised to look into the issues raised and provide us with feedback in the near future.

M5 Junction 9 and A46 Transport Scheme Timeline

GCC Cabinet Meeting May 2024 Further funding approved.
Route Options Consultation
7/10/24 - 2/12/24
Preferred Route Announcement TBC
SOC approved by DfT: TBC
Statutory Public Consultation
2025 TBC
OBC submitted to DfT: Summer 2026?
OBC approved by DfT: Winter 2026?
If confirmed, official scheme handover from GCC to NH: Spring 2027?

Gloucestershire County Council Meetings

31 January  24 Cabinet
21 February 24 County Council
20 March 24 County Council
10th April 24 Cabinet
22 May 24 County Council
12 June 24 Cabinet
26 June 24 County Council
24 July 24 Cabinet
11 Sept 24County Council
18 Sept 24 Cabinet
6 Nov 24 County Council
4 December 24 Cabinet

All meetings held in the Cabinet Suite – Shire Hall, Gloucester

Full details GCC Meetings

Western Gateway Meetings


Wednesday 13th March

Wednesday 10th July  2-4pm
Wednesday 2nd October 2-4pm
Wednesday 11th December 2-4pm

NB: Please note that dates may be subject to change as a result of the pandemic’s impact.

More details – Western Gateway Website

Thanks, for visiting and watch out for new content being added regularly!

Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group