November 2024
TAAG Engagement Submission Document Final
Gerald Kells A46 Options Report
TAAGs Options A & B Pros and Cons
October 2024
Garden Communities Parish Liaison Group Report 19/08/2024 as provided by Ashcuch Parish Council
September 2024
TAAG Questions to GCC Council Meeting
TAAG submitted several questions to the County Council. Q&As Q9 – Q12 can be found in the attached document, link below. It appears that GCC will be “carrying out a public engagement exercise from early October, to share shortlisted route options and seek the views of stakeholders on them. Feedback from the public engagement exercise will inform options development, refinement and further shortlisting prior to a future public consultation to shape selection of a preferred scheme design. More details on this exercise will be shared in the coming weeks. Further information about the proposals can be found on the scheme webpage”.
June 2024
TAAG Freedom of Information request.
Detailed breakdown of the cost to date, along with the payments made and to whom and for what. For the development of changes to the M5 and A46 around Tewkesbury since the idea was originally floated.
Freedom of Information Request to GCC as to costs.
May 2024
GCC Cabinet Agenda Extract 15th May 2024
September 2023
GCC Council Meeting September 2023, Councillors and Public Q and A Document.
August 2023
National Highways Report Compiled by TAAG for the Parish Council
National Highways Consultation
May 2023
Written questions posed of GCC Council meeting 24/5/23
Laurence Robertson MP – Westminster Hall debate on the changes to the A46
A transcript of the debate can be found by clicking on the following link. Transcript
Added February 2023
TAAG Feedback to L Robertson MP on the current A46.
Questions to GCC Council – Meeting 15th February 2023
Questions submitted on behalf of Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group (TAAG) in respect of the M5 J9 & A46 Transport Scheme.
We have been refused a FoI request (reference: 26464937) to see a copy of the Atkins Terms of Reference with the argument this contains commercially sensitive information on routes.
(a) Can you therefore confirm that Atkins have been given specific guidance by GCC on routes or areas to consider?
(b) Can you also explain the process undertaken by GCC for tendering and awarding the contract to Atkins?
(c) To include who signed-off the Terms of Reference setting out the scope and parameters of the work to be undertaken?
Answers provided by Cllr. Gray Q30 on page 28.
Added January 2023
Traffic Monitoring on the A435
In our December newsletter we referred to the traffic monitoring that had taken place at the end of September. We have now seen the detailed outputs* and, if interested, we have attached a crude summary of the traffic flows for 3 of the 4 camera monitoring positions (the 4th position is ignored as it measured entry/exit to the pub which was closed at the time):
Data is for Wed 21st September and for 3 hour AM (7-10am) and PM (4-7pm) peak periods. In our summaries we have arrowed the direction of travel with AM/PM vehicle counts shown above and below the arrows respectively.
The information is of limited use but one thing it allows is to consider how much traffic would transfer from using the A46 to an A435 which was part of a new bypass. If we assume a fairly conservative transfer of 50%, then the A435 traffic volume broadly doubles to a level similar to current A46 flows. Not really a surprise but indicates why we think using the A435 would have a big impact on both noise and ability to access/exit Teddington Village.
*The detailed data file is available for anyone who has trouble getting to sleep!
Link will download Spreadsheet File
Atkins Survey_results_-_A435_CTC_Sept2022
Added November 2022
TAAG Latest report as to changes to A46
Gloucestershire County Council ‘Council Meeting’ Q&A 9/11/2022
Questions submitted by Councillor Cody are numbers 11 to 16.
Councillors Questions & Answers
Written Answers to supplementary Questions
Gloucestershire County Council ‘Council Meeting’ Q&A September 2022
Questions submitted by TAAG are numbers 11 to 19.
Added August 202
Public Meeting, Teddington Village Hall, Tuesday 19th July 2022
Post Meeting follow up letter to Cllr. David Gray
Minutes of Public Meeting 19th July 2022
Added April 2022
TAAG raised a Freedom of Information request with Gloucestershire County Council and Western Gateway in respect of a request made to them by the Department for Transport as part of it’s review of the MRN/LLM programme. We have provided both the original DfT request and the response we received below.
Unsurprisingly, GCC and WG remain strongly committed to promoting a new bypass as evidenced by expenditure to date of £8m (double the figure of £4m advised to us in November). More disappointingly, WG continue to position this scheme to support the wider objective of a north-south A46 strategic transport corridor, an argument that favours a dual carriageway or expressway solution.
Awaiting a response to a FoI request for copy of a ‘risk review’ carried out by National Highways, in March 2021, as to the Council’s plans for changes to M5 Junction 9 scheme.
Update on FoI request to National Highways – Refused as they claim document is not any longer valid based on the upcoming plans for the A46.
Added November 2021
Cllr. Vernon Smith’s Report based on the feedback received from the Tewkesbury 2030 Event held on Saturday 18th September 2021.
TAAG’s submission to National Highways RIS3 Survey
New Tewkesbury Garden Town Concept Plan
Added September 2021
Vernon Smith’s Business Case for A46 link to the M5 Junction 10
Land South of A46, Ashchurch, Tewkesbury, GL20 8LR
For Sale – Available in two parcels extending to a total of 322.58 acres (130.54 Ha)
Author D A Witts
Added August 2021
TAAG commisioned a new report from Gerald Kells (Campaign & Policy Advisor for Transport), to include a review of new information and key documents TAAG have received since he produced his first report in October 2019.
The highlights being:
- In separate work for the CPRE, he has obtained material from Midlands Connect (MC) that sheds doubt on the role of the A46 as a long distance transport corridor. Challenging the strategic role of the A46 versus local needs is important in trying to avoid a dual carriageway bypass solution.
- He identifies a concern that the most attractive (to HE) solution would be to close the southern slip roads on the existing M5 J9, which would draw much more traffic onto the bypass.
- It appears all options will likely increase accidents, so safety should be a key challenge. There is a poor accident record on the A435 approaching the Teddington Hands roundabout.
- None of the 2018 route proposals scored well on value for money, which is slightly encouraging.
- Alternative options to join a bypass with the A46 (and not the A435) could involve elevated sections to separate local and through traffic.
- We should follow up and challenge TBC on the status of the revised Ashchurch Garden Town concept plan.
Freedom of Information Request, made by TAAG, detailing the 2018 plans, linked to Road Investment Strategy (RIS2), showed all A46 routes joining the A435.
This report wasn’t taken further but it is the most recent evidence of Highways England thinking. Link 1 Link 2 to relevant documents.
Based on the reports three potential routes, TAAG’s interpretation of the increased traffic flows can be viewed via the LINK
Added July 2021
UK Government publish their ‘Decarbonising transport: A Better, Greener Britain’
pdf reader required.
At 220+ pages our review will be posted here soon.
Communication with the Chair of the A46 Partnership, Cllr Mark Cargill.
TAAG have been trying to find out if redirecting the A46 from north of Evesham to either J7 or J8 of the M5 rather than slavishly following the existing route, had ever been seriously considered. We decided to write to the A46 Partnership Group to hopefully get a definitive answer and received a reply recently from their Chair Cllr Mark Cargill and we’ve provided an extract of their response here. The study he refers to is the Midlands Connect A46 Strategic Corridor study Phase 2;
“During the initial stages of the study, options for the A46 to link to M5 Junction 8 were quickly ruled out because they would have to go through the middle of a nature reserve and therefore cause a significant detrimental impact to the natural environment.
The option of taking the A46 to M5 Junction 7 did not make the long list, as it would be hugely expensive and create a route that would be a lot longer than continuing on the current A46 and would therefore fail to attract any traffic.
It should be noted that neither of those options would facilitate the Tewkesbury Garden Town proposals which are being brought forward by Tewkesbury Borough Council.
Given these considerations the study concluded that upgrading on the existing alignment was the best option for the A46 on this section of corridor – both for allowing the corridor to perform its strategic role and supporting growth aspirations in the area. This solution also provided the opportunity to incrementally build capacity in the network as it’s required; whereas a significant off-line route would be much more expensive and therefore unlikely to represent good value for money. Moreover it would include serious deliverability risks due to its detrimental impact to the natural environment.”
Added June 2021
The end of the road? Challenging the road-building consensus. CPRE
Tewkesbury Garden Town Progress Report April 2021
Added February 2021
Western Gateway Published the final of their Strategic Transport Plan (2020-2025)
They have generally addressed the concerns and questions we raised during the consultation last Summer.
Added December 2020
Western Gateway Published the final draft of their Strategic Transport Plan (2020-2025).
Added November 2020
National Infrastructure Strategy – Presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer by Command of Her Majesty 25th November 2020
Midlands Connect’s 20-year improvement plan for the A46 has finally been published and is currently under review by TAAG, feedback will be provided in our next Newsletter.
A46 Stage two study Powerpoint Version
Added October 2020
Gloucestershire County Council has recently published their design options for the M5 J10 Improvement Scheme for public consultation. TAAG will not be providing any feedback on the options, but we thought residents might be interested in seeing what is planned, particularly as the options for the A46 realignment, could include routes to Junction 10.
Gloucestershire County Council has a dedicated website for the consultation which can be found here.
The consultation closes on 25 November 2020.
Added August 2020
Teddington & Alstone Villages Submission
The final version of the report requested by Cllr. Vernon Smith and forwarded to the M5 J9 and A46 Transport (Ashchurch) Scheme design team in GCC. This final version incorporates the concensus of views received from residents and was adopted by our Parish Council on 25th August 2020.
To GCC Highways M5 Junction 9 & A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme Proposal
Added July 2020
“Options are currently being considered for a new dual carriageway between the M5 near Tewkesbury and Teddington Hands roundabout, allowing the current A46 through Ashchurch to be downgraded to cater for local traffic movements between Tewkesbury market town and the suburb of Ashchurch. As this proposal is in the early stages of development, the exact location of the new road and details of the junction upgrade are yet be decided and work is currently being carried out to identify the most suitable option.
A webpage for the scheme is now live at As part of the technical work taking place, landowners in the area have been contacted to request access to land for environmental assessment surveys. Public consultation on the scheme options is currently planned for early 2021 with an Outline Business Case (OBC) to be submitted to DfT in early 2022.”
TAAG Feedback to Western Gateway on their Draft Strategic Transport Plan
Transport Action Network
Transport Action Network’s Feedback on Western Gateway Strategic Transport Plan.
‘Transport for Quality of Life’ Report
The carbon impact of the national roads programme
Campaign for the Protection of Rural England
Added June 2020
Western Gateway
Draft Strategic Transport Plan 2020-2025
WG are currently seeking feedback from stakeholders, businesses, residents, and communities on the draft Plan. In light of the coronavirus pandemic they are undertaking an informal engagement exercise.
TAAG have provided feedback (link in July above) on all aspects of the plan. With individual members also providing their own feedback. We would encourage residents to also feedback.
Should you wish to provide any comments on the Strategic Transport Plan please submit your written comments via email to before Friday 31st July.
The Strategic Transport Plan will be finalised and approved in September at the Western Gateway STB Board meeting. If you have any particular questions please contact them at
More details on the GCC website
Climate Change Committee submitted their 2020 Report to Parliament
Reducing UK emissions Progress Report to Parliament June 2020
In the forward to the document it states “The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives. Its effects are far-reaching – its implications profound. Our 2019 report to Parliament urged Government to act on climate. “Now, do it” was our call. Twelve months on that remains our emphatic message, but with a new determination: we must seize the opportunity to make the COVID-19 recovery a defining moment in tackling the climate crisis. We say to the Government: “act courageously – it’s there for the taking”.
Recommendations for the Department of Transport include:
“Invest in walking and cycling infrastructure and strengthen other schemes to support active travel modes. Invest in public transport and other measures to reduce car travel demand (e.g. car sharing and mobility as a service). Improve infrastructure connectivity to lock-in positive behaviours that reduce travel demand (e.g. home-working).”
As well as setting a range of targets on cars, vans and heavy goods vehicles to reduce the dangerous emission sooner rather than later.
Added May 2020
Transport Action Network
Added March 2020
Highways England
Road Investment Strategy 2 2020-2025
Committed for RP2 S1 M5 Junction 10 and Link Road Page 103
UK Government
March 2020 Budget inc Reference to the A46 Upgrades
M5 Junction 9 and a bypass on the A46 at Ashchurch Page 79
Added February 2020
Midland Connect Alternative Futures January 2020
Study considers the potential future transport demand in the Midlands over the next 50 years (to 2068). Midlands Connect will use these to inform policy decisions and to help to plan for the future transport infrastructure needs of the region.
Teddington and Alstone Parish Council
Cllr Vernon Smith advised Teddington and Alstone Parish Council in his update that WG have submitted their Strategic Outline Business case for the M5/J9 A46 scheme to the DfT on Friday 17th January 2020. It appears that unfortunately, they will not be making public any details of their plans or the proposed routes due to a risk of ‘planning blight’ (the reduction in marketability and value of land as a result of a public sector decision).
Added January 2020
Gloucestershire County Council
Highways England
A46 Renewable Energy Innovation Scheme Letter
Setting Climate Commitments for Tewkesbury
Quantifying the implications of the United Nations Paris Agreement for Tewkesbury – Tyndall Centre
Friends of the Earth has analysed how different local authority areas across England and Wales are taking action to cut greenhouse gases. They have also compared local authority areas with other similar local authority areas. Tewkesbury report.
Added December 2019
Communication sent to Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning GCC. seeking clarification as to how the Councils climate aims are reconciled with increased road building.
Update January 2020 – further letter sent to N Moor seeking clarification as to his response to TAAG. As of 21/02/2020 we have not received any response.
CPRE Gloucestershire Autumn Newsletter
Page 10 includes reference to the potential changes to the A46 and TAAG involvement.
Added November 2019
Added October 2019
Independent A46 report produced by Gerald Kells
Teddington and Alstone Villages and the A46 Assessment by Gerald Kells
TAAG have provided a short summary which highlights the key points but we would encourage you to read the full report if possible.
Campaign to Protect Rural England’s report on the impact of Road Projects in England 2017 (Referenced in Gerald Kells Report for TAAG)
Pre – Submission TBC Plan 2011-2031 Published October 2019
A46 Renewable Energy Innovation Scheme Letter
Kier letter received via TAPC 7th October 2019
Response received by TAAG from Highways England as to Kier Letter
Added August 2019
Western Gateway Transport Plan
Western Gateway’s Submission to the Department of Transport of their proposed M5 J9/A46 scheme for inclusion in RIS2.
Added June 2019
The latest report from Midland’s Connect appears to imply that the A46 corridor study is no longer one of their priorities for RIS2 but has been pushed-out to RIS3 (2025-2030 and RIS4 2030 – 2035). TAAG are seeking clarification.
Atkins Report April 2018
“Thanks to a Freedom of Information request, the A46 study produced by a Joint Venture; Atkins and ch2m on behalf of Midlands Connect last year is now available to share. Midlands Connect used this study to inform their own report, published in November “Midlands Connect A46 corridor study stage 1”.
Warning it is large document so TAAG suggest you do not download to a mobile phone.
Added November 2018
The Tewkesbury Borough Plan (TBP) is a plan for the area that will allocate sites for housing and employment development as well as provide planning policies to guide future development in the borough. TBC support an ‘offline’ solution to the A46 capacity problem.
Ashchurch Concepts Masterplan
A proposed project to meet the shortfall in the Tewkesbury housing numbers. The document refers to the A46 capacity problems and the ongoing work by Highways, Midlands Connect and the A46 Partnership Group.
Added July 2018
Midlands Connect Routes to Growth Report
A lobbying document published in July following Chris Grayling’s launch on Midlands Connect transport priorities.
Added June 2018
TAAG June13 Initial Report
Group’s first report providing background information and our position on potential A46 development.