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What Noise impact assessments have been done?

The noise impact assessment has included a simple noise model to predict likely daytime noise impacts at noise-sensitive receptors (for operational noise impacts this considers receptors within 50m of each option). For Option A, the assessment has highlighted potential significant adverse effects on residential receptors (including the traveller site) along the A435 which would need to be mitigated (i.e. noise barriers provided).

Wider operational noise impacts on receptors located over 50m from the options have not yet been assessed. More detailed noise modelling will be required as part of the next stage of the project (option selection). Both Options A and B will clearly result in additional traffic noise in the area west of Teddington. For Option B while the new road would be located further from Teddington village it would also be raised on an embankment as it crosses the Tirle Brook flood zone. For both options, any significant adverse noise effects on receptors that are identified in
modelling (including at Teddington) would require mitigation. This could be achieved through landscaped bunds and/or noise barriers.

Noise and vibration during construction is also a consideration. While construction works for Option A would be located closer to Teddington village, the construction of Option B would require more significant engineering works to the west of the village. Again, more detailed noise modelling will be required at the next stage of the project to assess these impacts.

Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group