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Community Impact
In Option A what will be the distance be between the new road East of the TH roundabout and the Teddington village playing fields?
If Option A, how will safe pedestrian access via the public right of way be provided from Teddington village to facilities at Teddington Hands roundabout?
If Option A, can a footpath and cycleway be created on the A435 between Teddington junction and the Teddington hands roundabout?
If Option A, how will the impact on residents of road closures and limited access during construction be managed/mitigated, given the limited alternative routes?
Community Impact
Category - Community Impact
In Option A what will be the distance be between the new road East of the TH roundabout and the Teddington village playing fields?
If Option A, how will safe pedestrian access via the public right of way be provided from Teddington village to facilities at Teddington Hands roundabout?
If Option A, can a footpath and cycleway be created on the A435 between Teddington junction and the Teddington hands roundabout?
If Option A, how will the impact on residents of road closures and limited access during construction be managed/mitigated, given the limited alternative routes?
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Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group