How Can We Help?
Option A would result in the volume of traffic using the A435 south of Teddington Hands roundabout increasing by over 15,000 vehicles per day; from 8.500 to c.24,000. On average (as we don’t have the peak time data, nor the split north/south), this equates to an extra 10 vehicles per minute in each direction (or 16 in total), resulting in a vehicle every 4 seconds on average, it would be even worse at peak times. Do you agree that even with the proposed upgrade to the junction, this would effectively prevent access to and from Teddington village, or at the least make it extremely dangerous?
The proposed improvements to the Teddington village access would meet National Highways’ design safety standards and ensure access to Teddington is maintained. The protected right-turn areas mean that turning vehicles only need to cross one lane of the carriageway at a time, and natural gaps in traffic flow would be expected due to the proximity of the roundabout junctions at Seven Bends and Teddington Hands.
Future work would include more detailed modelling of the junction which will be able to assess whether vehicles experience problems accessing or leaving the village and which would inform design of the junction.