Using Option 1, how much less (%) will projected traffic on the road decrease by? And is this traffic that will no longer come from M50/Tewkesbury town.
It is not clear which road the question relates to. Please refer to Figure 9-3 of the Analysis of shortlisted options document which provides a comparison of the levels of traffic using key routes by each option (versus a no scheme situation) for the forecast scheme opening year. If the question relates to the existing A46, Option 1 is forecast to reduce traffic by circa 14-34% over a 12 -hour period (depending on which section of the existing route is being considered) whereas Options 2 & 3 reduce traffic by circa 19-44%. Note that there is a greater level of local traffic using the route to the west of the Cross County railway line compared to the east (with forecasts also considering traffic generated by future consented development in the area) which is the reason for this range in traffic reduction.