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Why is the legislation around the AONB (NNNPF) not given more prominence in the engagement brochure?

The Cotswolds National Landscape (previously known as Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or AONB) is the key statutory landscape designation in the area and is highlighted under ‘Key considerations’ on page 10 of the brochure. The non-statutory Tewkesbury Special Landscape Area to the north of Teddington is also noted. While this does not feature in the brochure due to space limitations, it is included in the environmental constraints maps (landscape constraints) and Section 5.6 (Landscape and visual receptors) of the Scheme context and existing conditions document.

The summary of the landscape and visual impact assessment presented in the brochure and Section 11.6 of the Analysis of shortlisted potions document focuses on the potential impacts on the Cotswolds National Landscape area as this is the main consideration for Options A and B along with effects on Public Rights of Way.

The potential impacts of Option A and Option B on the National Landscape area are summarised in the ‘Eastern section options comparison’ on page 18 of the brochure. The assessment of landscape and visual impacts has been undertaken by landscape specialists in accordance with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) LA 107 (Landscape and visual effects).

Based on the information currently available for the options, Option B is assessed as having a greater visual impact along the Cotswold National Landscape boundary than Option A, as it would include a new offline road to the west side of the existing A435, resulting in the potential loss of hedgerows and trees, change in field pattern, change in established road alignment and additional presence of highway infrastructure. Option A would also require removal of hedgerows and trees along eastern side of the A435 to enable widening, as well as including an additional offline section east of Teddington Hands. The vegetation removal and presence of new highway in this location would have adverse visual effects, however, when compared to Option B, this effect is likely to be less significant.

Teddington & Alstone A46 Advisory Group