How Can We Help?
Traffic Analysis
- Time saving is calculated from J10 to South of Evesham; so why does brochure say north of Evesham?
- In option B, what if anything happens to the section of the A435 between 7 bends and the TH roundabout. Will a weight limit/speed restriction be put in force?
- The traffic figures are not broken down into flows in either direction; can this be provided?
- There are no traffic figures for 2041, nor is it clear what assumptions were made about travel patterns from the garden village; can these be provided?
Route Options
Option A Design Considerations
- How will the Teddington Hands junction be upgraded to address the real concerns about safety and queuing when turning into and out of Teddington?
- Why is the legislation around the AONB (NNNPF) not given more prominence in the engagement brochure?
- What Noise impact assessments have been done?
- In Option A what will be the distance be between the new road East of the TH roundabout and the Teddington village playing fields?
- If Option A, will the A435 have to be elevated and if so, by how much?
- Will option B need to be as wide a road as option A?
- In option B, what if anything happens to the section of the A435 between 7 bends and the TH roundabout. Will a weight limit/speed restriction be put in force?
- If Option A, how will safe pedestrian access via the public right of way be provided from Teddington village to facilities at Teddington Hands roundabout?
- If Option A, can a footpath and cycleway be created on the A435 between Teddington junction and the Teddington hands roundabout?
- If Option A, how will the impact on residents of road closures and limited access during construction be managed/mitigated, given the limited alternative routes?
- With Option A - where will traffic be diverted to, should there be an incident that closes A435 between TH roundabout and 7 bends roundabout?
Option B Design Considerations
- Why does the road between TH roundabout and the new roundabout west of TH roundabout, needs to be upgraded to dual-carriageway?
- Option B, what is the additional cost?
- Why is the legislation around the AONB (NNNPF) not given more prominence in the engagement brochure?
- Why is Option B incorporated with Option 1 only £20m more when other options are £50m more?
- Will option B need to be as wide a road as option A?
- In option B, what if anything happens to the section of the A435 between 7 bends and the TH roundabout. Will a weight limit/speed restriction be put in force?
- If Option A, how will the impact on residents of road closures and limited access during construction be managed/mitigated, given the limited alternative routes?
Environmental Constraints
- Why is the legislation around the AONB (NNNPF) not given more prominence in the engagement brochure?
- In Option A what will be the distance be between the new road East of the TH roundabout and the Teddington village playing fields?
- Can and will Option B be designed to enhance biodiversity along the new road, including the addition of native trees, hedgerows, and ponds?
Community Impact
- In Option A what will be the distance be between the new road East of the TH roundabout and the Teddington village playing fields?
- If Option A, how will safe pedestrian access via the public right of way be provided from Teddington village to facilities at Teddington Hands roundabout?
- If Option A, can a footpath and cycleway be created on the A435 between Teddington junction and the Teddington hands roundabout?
- If Option A, how will the impact on residents of road closures and limited access during construction be managed/mitigated, given the limited alternative routes?
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
Run Off
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
Cost Economics Value for Money
Value for Money
- Articles coming soon
Financial Considerations
Accountability and Oversight
Alternatives and Future Planning
Homes Garden Communities Strategic and Local